Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thesis progress!

yes things are looking up, but im still broke. none the less im making progress and  will have pages 1-3 done by Thurs is my goal. i've been preoccupied with my 3d design HW/distracted by MvC3 but  i will pick up slack on sun!!!

wish me luck!

Friday, February 25, 2011

what i'm reading #3

hey there another What i'm reading this week, enjoy!

It Osamu Tezuka's Ayako, in the same vein as Adolf by being a social commentary. my type of cover(being minimal i mean) and it's Tezuka so no shit this will be enjoyable for sure!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thesis progess

Sry no pics still did not buy that camera yet, but it's coming along.
Pg 1 is nearing doness
Pg 2 is not far behind
P 3 is mostly ddone
Page 4-8 no where near done

lacking a consistent stream of money is the only road block i'm dealing with which entails
begin unable to:
Make color photo copies
Buy Life-casting supplies(plaster and life mold), DC motor, and Floral birds
and Eat

i found a job but im not sure when i'll start this $8/hr job so i hate to sound like a debbie downer but i sound like a debbie down till my bank roll is revitalized.

to better days

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What im reading #2

aside from the books i started just a single addition this week to my reading list:

The Zabime Sisters

This I picked up from the library. When I finish the Rodchenko book ill start this.but just skimming the book it looks gorgeous!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What I'm reading #1

Hey there, to make this blog more of a ritual i decided to make a weekly post to talkbout what im reading.

Rodchenko: Design

first up is Alexander Rodchenko: Design. I love russian design, it's very 100% and Rodchenko is it's prodigal son. I'm about 15% in.

Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen

Next is Devices of Wonder which I just started yesterday which is about the history of interactive art...need i say more(see my prior posts to get a hint)?


American Gods: A Novel

it's an assigned reading and im not a fan a Gaiman's work but i hear good things about it. gonna this one start tonight.

so see you next week with what else i'm reading