Monday, July 11, 2011

Its been a while but some developments

Wow, *blows dust off blog* for those who by miracle are still following me hello! alot has happened since the last post so let me recap:

First the Kickstarter for The Time Machine did not meet its goal in time so is was more bust than boom, but something interesting happened! I'm gonna be tight lipped about it for now until there's some finality to the sittuation but rest assured its good news.

Second I spent two weeks working @ Multiarts in Amherst and that was a GREAT experience! I was teacher's aid/ counsoler for the art classes for kid ages 4-11 and had great time teaching a making a few projects with them(also was a origami slave for the 7-9 yo class). working with the kids made me draw more and kept me on my toes, so i definitely won't mind teach art classes for kid down the road as B&B. Sadly i was unable to stay for the whole summer cause of the long commute from Springfield to Amherst.

Finally, I regret to inform that I actually lost interest in continuing work on The Time Machine. bummer but im now back to the drawing board on what to do as my next 3D comic, but im going in the direction a original piece.

so sorry for the inactiveness and take care